Youth to Youth Conference Guide
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Item description
These rules are designed to ensure that all participants at the Youth to Youth Conference enjoy a maximum learning experience in an environment conducive to the exchange and sharing of ideas and concepts. All participants are expected to adhere to the rules as outlined herein, or may be established from time to time by Youth to Youth. Any violation of these rules may result in either a private discussion with a member of the Youth to Youth staff or immediate removal from the program or event. Enforcement and supervision of these rules shall be at the sole discretion and judgment of Youth to Youth. Parents/Legal Guardians will be responsible for transportation if their teen is removed from the conference. All expense or cost associated with the participant’s removal from the program shall be the responsibility of the participant’s parent/legal guardian.
Attendance: Timely attendance and participation are required at all scheduled events.
Behavior: Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and orderly manner at all times. No Bullying, disregard for safety of others/self, intentional destruction of property, or blatant disrespect.
Visitors: Visitors are not permitted for reason of supervision, liability, and contract with facility owners.
Remain on Grounds: Participants are to remain on the grounds of the conference. If a participant needs to leave the grounds for any reason, prior approval must be given by the Conference Coordinator.
Use of Drugs or Alcohol: Participants either found using or under the influence or in possession of alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drugs, will be removed from the program. Smoking cigarettes and/or vaping is not permitted. Participants using prescription drugs for medical purposes MUST notify and store with conference Nurse in advance or at registration.
Curfew: Participants must be in their assigned rooms at curfew. Staff members reserve the right to conduct bed checks without notification any time during the program.
Sexual Activity/Violence: No sexual activity, acts of aggression or violence are permitted.
Dress Code: Clothing should be constructed and worn in such a manner that is not unduly revealing nor should clothing be worn so that undergarments are revealed.
Search and Seizure: Youth to Youth employees and staff may conduct, and are hereby expressly authorized by the conference participants and their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) to conduct, a search and possible seizure of property when Youth To Youth or its employee(s) or staff has a reasonable suspicion that the health, safety or welfare of the conference, the conference participant or others may be compromised or in danger or there is a reasonable suspicion that a conference participant or other(s) are or have been engaged in an illegal activity. Any employee or staff making a search or possible seizure will follow these guidelines:
A search and possible seizure of campus property (including all personal items found or located on campus property) may be conducted at any time that Youth to Youth, its employee(s) or staff has a reasonable suspicion to believe that a law has been or is being violated by a conference participant or other(s). This search and possible seizure may be made without the conference participant being present.
Items or other possessions, including but not limited to, illegal items or possessions that represent a possible threat or danger to the health, safety or welfare of the conference, the conference participant or other(s) may be seized by Youth to Youth, its employee(s) or staff.
The conference participant and their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) hereby expressly authorize that the conference participant's person may be searched by a Youth to Youth employee or staff when there is a reasonable suspicion that a conference participant has on their person an illegal item(s) or other item that may interfere with the conference purpose or compromise conference integrity. A search of a conference participant's person shall always be conducted with another Youth to Youth employee or staff member present.
Our Partners
“Youth to Youth and CareSource have found a shared vision in promoting the well-being of our community’s young people at a critical time,” said Cheryl Sells, Director of Youth Prevention at CompDrug. “This partnership will provide an opportunity for us to work with even more young people across the state of Ohio as well as in Franklin County.
CareSource’s support of the Youth to Youth program is part of the $3 million commitment to youth empowered prevention programs for behavioral health.
The ADAMH Board of Franklin County has been a long time valued partner of Youth to Youth. ADAMH provides funding for numerous Franklin County Youth to Youth programs including our local conferences and camps.